Requirements for Safety-Qualified Contractors at JEA

JEA Safety Qualification:  JEA Safety Qualification is based on the Experience Modification Rate (EMR) provided by the contractor’s workers’ compensation Insurance provider. Contractors must have a three-year average EMR of 1.0 or less and agree to the provisions of the CSMP to become JEA Safety Qualified. The average EMR is calculated using a company’s EMR from its workers’ compensation liability insurance provider covering the three most recent years. The three years will be averaged to determine the contractor’s average EMR.

  • Contractors are required to submit the JEA Contractor Safety Qualification Form (Appendix A) and a copy of their most current three-year verification of EMR from their workers’ compensation insurance provider to JEA Safety and Health Services, prior to commencing work activities.
  • JEA Safety and Health Services shall maintain a list of contractors that have been accepted as JEA Safety Qualified.  The most current listing of JEA Safety Qualified contractors is located at
  • JEA Safety Qualification status expires when the contractor’s workers’ compensation insurance expires.  It is the contractor’s responsibility to ensure its workers’ compensation insurance does not lapse and that JEA Safety and Health Services has been provided the most up-to-date verification of EMR. Contractors shall submit a new JEA Contractor Safety Qualification Form and associated documentation of EMR to prior to a lapse in workers’ compensation insurance.
  • JEA Safety and Health Services will remind the person identified on the last safety qualification submission, approximately one month prior to a contractor’s Safety Qualification expiration, and inform that person to submit an updated JEA Safety Qualification Form (Appendix A).
  • Each month the list of JEA Safety Qualified contractors will be purged of companies that have not submitted updated verification of their most current three-year EMR average, there is evidence that a company has not maintained an EMR 3-year average of 1.0 or less, or the contractor no longer maintains valid workers’ compensation insurance.
  • Companies on short-term contracts (less than one (1) month) can provide the completed JEA Safety Qualification Form and verification of EMR to the JEA contractor sponsor.  When JEA Safety and Health Services is not available, the contractor sponsor may use the JEA Contractor Safety Qualification Form to determine if the contractor meets the requirements of the CSMP JEA Contractor Safety Qualification.  If the contractor sponsor determines the contractor meets the expectation of JEA Contractor Safety Qualification, they may proceed with the contract. The contractor sponsor shall submit the JEA Safety Qualification package to Safety and Health Services via email at who will verify JEA Contractor Safety Qualification and enter the contractor company name on the list of JEA Safety Qualified Contractors.
  • Contractors who perform intrinsically hazardous work (see definitions) but are not listed on the Safety Qualified List shall be shut down until JEA Safety Qualification can be determined. If a contractor’s EMR 3-year average is above 1.0 during a JEA contract, that contractor will be found in breach of contract, shut down, and removed from the JEA project.  It is the contractor sponsor’s responsibility to ensure verification of the three-year average EMR is available.
  • Contractors that have attained JEA Safety Qualification but have experienced incidents that result in their three-year average EMR to raise above 1.0 shall not be permitted to continue to perform work, be prevented from bidding on other JEA projects and/or sites, and their company name shall be removed from the list of JEA Safety Qualified Contractors. If JEA determines that it is in the best interest of JEA that the contractor be permitted to complete the contract, the contractor shall provide an acceptable Safety Action Plan to the contractor sponsor.  The contractor sponsor shall provide that Safety Action Plan to their director and the director of safety and health services or their designees. If it is determined that the contractor has adequately addressed the safety concerns of the worksite, it may complete that contract only.  Until written acceptance of the Safety Action Plan is received, the contractor may not go back to work and shall not work on other projects not specifically addressed in the Safety Action Plan.